The Carpenter Clan

The Carpenter Clan

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Eclipse midnight show

Jodi, Val, and I decided on the way home from New Moon that since Eclipse was going to be out June 30th, we were definitely in for the midnight show. So, back in May, I pre-ordered the tickets. I had, at the time 3 options: 12:01, 12:02, or 12:03. I decided to go with 12:03 thinking maybe that the 12:03 theater wouldn't fill up as soon. Well, as it turns out, it was a pretty good decision. No way I could've known that it would be the shortest line and would be seated 1st! Woo hoo!

But, when we arrived at 9:00 at the mall, Jodi ran in to print off our tickets and saw this:

People were playing euchre, eating, and actually doing things on laptops. We were going to go eat somewhere else, but panicked and decided we'd just eat at Garfield's and get in line. It was perfect timing! We ate, had a few drinks, and then headed to stand in the crowd. Turns out, there were nearly 10 different lines. We were in theater 9 so we asked around until we found it and couldn't believe it was the shortest one. Oh, and once we found it, they literally let us in! I mean, all those people were camped out and we just walked up and they let us in! Ashley McCauley had texted me asking about the lines. She showed up as we were entering and booked it in leading us to have the perfect seats up top. We were 2nd row from the top seats 1,2 and 3. (Ashley and Ashley Phillips were right in front of us.)

This is a pic that kept us entertained for the 2 hour wait for Eclipse. Everyone had pickles in our row. I mean, the theater sold out of pickles. Now for my Texas friends, I realize that pickles are apparently a staple at the movies, it's relatively new in Ohio. And boy, is it taking off! Everyone and their kid had a jumbo pickle! Jodi couldn't get over the pickles. She was tweaking out.

Notice everyone with a pickle in the background and Jodi cracking up!

I had made us buttons on Zazzle and was worried because the day before Eclipse, they hadn't yet arrived! Luckily, the buttons arrived and we had them for the show!

Here we are sporting our buttons when we first arrived at the mall.

And a close-up of the button.

And here we are in the theater:

Eclipse was probably my favorite in the series and the movie was by far the best yet. Now, I have to admit, I cannot wait to see Breaking Dawn, especially the pillow scenes. LOL! But basically, we really enjoyed the movie and plan to go together again, of course, for the next movie! Can't wait!                                   

I submitted our photos for the TwiShare Eclipse website and we made it:        

We are about 1/2 way down the page!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Safety Town

So, I was thinking the other day that I really don't get my pictures developed in the digital age. I post a lot to FB and have a gazillion stored on to my computer and phone, but am bad about actually printing them off...which led me to wanting to make a blog to keep photos and memories straight.

So, this past week was Safety Town sponsored by the Pilot Club. Lainey was really excited to go...that is until she found out that she HAD to wear the required Safety Town shirt EVERY day. (She had just gotten new clothes and wanted to show them off.) She finally came to terms with this dreaded fashion dilemna and had a great time at Safety Town. She proudly carried in her Princess helmet every day anxious to ride the bikes on the safety course. She really only attempted one more time to try to convince me she should be able to wear another shirt on her graduation day, but as you can see, she wore the shirt like everyone else. Every day, she came home and immediately changed the shirt. Overall, Safety Town was a success! She was disappointed that it was over.                                                                Safety Town Graduate

Lainey and Megan on the 1st day

                                                               Lainey with her helmet